Posts tagged with: Angus woolhouse

After nearly 50 years of trying to catch fish, I have left behind the stocked reservoirs of the Midlands and the manicured and stocked rivers or ponds of the South...
It has been a long long wait but we finally managed to get back to fish the River Helmsdale. The timing was perfect with the Scottish Government permitting travel and...
It’s easy to get stuck within a single method of fishing. We become lazy about experimenting with different techniques because we lack the knowledge and the confidence that trying something...
The recent news that Iceland is permitting the siting of salmon farms at the mouths of pristine run Salmon rivers is enough to send a chill through anyone who is...
When big game fishing I have low expectations when it comes to catching fish. I have only done it twice before and on both occasions was wrung out by the...
Over decades of fishing I have always practised and encouraged catch and release with the best intentions to release fish as safely and humanely as possible. I fish with barbless...
I was on a business trip to Sydney, and sandwiched in the middle was a weekend free to enjoy an opportunity to go fishing. Australia isn’t known for its trout...
I lean over and watch the water. A thought crosses my mind, how embarrassing to fall in..regardless I press forward a little closer this time, my eyes deep into the...
To those that don’t fish the thought of standing waist deep in the freezing cold of a northern Scottish river must stretch credulity. Imagine the reaction when having driven to...
Tying the Aberdeen Angus was a stroke of luck. I am no great fly tyer, and nowadays tie only sporadically which compounds my lack of technique. Fly tying is all...