Posts tagged with: Huge fish

After nearly 50 years of trying to catch fish, I have left behind the stocked reservoirs of the Midlands and the manicured and stocked rivers or ponds of the South...
It’s easy to get stuck within a single method of fishing. We become lazy about experimenting with different techniques because we lack the knowledge and the confidence that trying something...
Over decades of fishing I have always practised and encouraged catch and release with the best intentions to release fish as safely and humanely as possible. I fish with barbless...
It is dusk and I am trying to perfect the art of standing still. Staying motionless is never easy at the best of times, but with the sun becoming lower...
The River Frome is a special river rightly famed for the size of its Grayling and home to fabulous wild brown trout. In its pristine chalk stream state, it resembles...
  I have been fortunate enough to have fished some of the most exciting trout locations both in the UK and further afield. The wind swept wilderness of Orkney and...